Our Projects

Counting Board
This is a colorful teaching tool for your kids to learn the basic of numbers. It suitable for age from 2 to 4.
- Teach your children to count from 1 to 100 by tapping the numbers one by one and read it loudly. Automatic pronounce function included.
- Learn add method: e.g. Learn 5 + 2 = 7. First tap 5, and then tap next 2 blocks, count the blocks from 1 to 2 while tapping. The answer will be 7.
- Learn minus method: e.g. 16 - 4 = 5, First tap 16, and then tap previous 4 blocks, count the blocks from 1 to 4 while taping, The answer will be 11
- Let your kids to use their imagination to draw a picture.
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Abacus Adventure
This is a full tutorial game that trains player to use abacus. 36+49-26 = ? Can you do the math above in few seconds? By using the abacus mental method, players can do it fast and accurately.
- Full tutorial of how to use abacus.
- Using the abacus method mentally, train up mental calculation in more systematic and faster way. You will be able to handle more complicated calculation in the future
- 55 stages in this game, including all the training and tutorials. A normal course of abacus mental cost you $500 or more, you got to save a lot of money and time by using this amazing app
- Unlocks the stages, save the princess, collect the coins and more fun!!
- This app is designed by qualified mental abacus teachers and tested by hundreds of students. Best for children age 5+
App store

Happy Word Cards
Play funny game while the kids recognize new words and pronunciations at the one time!
- Pop the balloons to learn words spelling!
- Have words ranking, you can know your kid's most favorite words
- keep track of the most popular words for your child
- Challenge “Boss” level in the game so your kids could practise recognizing words fast and accurately
- Incentive system to reward and encourage continuous and proactive learning
- Unleash the creativity of children
- One-stop alphabetic and vocabulary learning with pronunciation
- Interactive Parent-child activity
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Trader Game
Trading simulator : Quick way to train up your trader’s mind set. In this game, you will learn the following things without risking a dime of your own money.
- The importance of money management. The importance of discipline and experience the consequence of not obeying the rules. Develop your trading skills in no time.
- Review your trading behaviour, and find our which part goes wrong easily by viewing trading records. Fine-tune your own TA strategy and train it to become instinctive reaction.
- Test your strategy in different fields of the market, they are Stocks, Index Future, Forex and Commodities.
- All the charts are anonymous. But all are real data, meaning it inherit the property of each category.
- Choose between 4 categories including Stocks, Index Future, Forex and Commodities.
- Easy to implement money management skill.
- There are no stop loss orders in this game. We design it in this way intentionally, because you need to learn stopping loss manually which is so important in real market.
- There are 9 levels of the game. Each level is a big challenge.
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Trader Game 2
New trading simulator: Experiencing the truth of trading. This version further reinforce the concept of money management, risk control and chart reading sense.
- Story mode: Trade master guide you the truth of trading step by step
- The importance of setting your stop loss and take profit levels
- How probability is estimated and how to trade by using probability mindset
- Strategy tester mode: Let you test your strategies and see how it performs with stastic report
- Our goal is to reveal the truth of trading to everyone.
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